Born and raised in China, I came to the US in 2013 to begin college and will graduate this coming June 2017, with my BS in Commerce. It has not been easy. All the only 10 Chinese students in my incoming class are either Chinese American or at least completed high school in the USA. I had to play catch up for the first couple of years but now I am proud that I am on the same level as my peers, most of whom have been in the US for much longer.
XXXX University if my first choice among master's programs in the professional direction in which I now wish to proceed: Human Resources Management – for a variety of reasons in addition to your location. XXXX has long been my dream school and, in fact, wanted to attend York as an undergraduate student but unfortunately it did not work out. Now, I have my heart set on the opportunity. Living and studying in Canada is my first choice as I see it as the optimal environment to acquire a balanced Western perspective on human organization as well as the comparative study of China and the West in terms of social psychology and organizational structure.
I learned a great deal because of my experience as an intern with China Telecom. I worked as a tax associate and my department was next door to the HR department and I made friends with them and learned as much as I could about what was happening in HR as well. I was immediately struck by the enormity of the challenges faced by the HR people and there is nothing that I love more than a challenge. My work in accounting has taught me many valuable things that will serve me well as an HR professional, now it is time to move on to greater challenges.
Being selected for and completing the HRM Program at XXXX University will prepare me for much more than a job. I am certain that, in fact, I will come to love and care for the company from which I accept a job offer. I will be thinking constantly about ways to make our company better for all, more profitable as well as a better place to work.
Accountants deal with numbers and financial sheets but HR deals with people which is why I want to become an HR specialist. I was an accounting major until the end of my junior year when I switched my major to commerce and management. I did this because I wanted to study what I most genuinely love. Now, my passion is Human Resources, and I am most keen to begin next year with a full immersion experience in HR at XXXX University, the finest program in the world that will teach me exactly what I need to know in the most effective and efficient manner.
I thank you for considering my application to HR at XXXX.
Masters Human Resources HRM Sample Personal Statement